Township of Cramahe Special Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Hybrid Meeting - Keeler Centre
80 Division Street



In Person:

Rotary Hall, The Keeler Centre
80 Division Street, Colborne. 

Hybrid Format:

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 876 7176 0634 

Dial In: 1-647-374-4685 or 1-647-558 0588

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As we gather, we would like to formally recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically, our neighbors of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement. 

We respectively acknowledge that Cramahe Township is located on the Mississauga Anishinabek territory and is the traditional territory of the Mississauga.  

Cramahe Township respectfully acknowledges that the Mississauga Nations are the collective stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters in perpetuity, and that they continue to maintain this responsibility to ensure their health and integrity for generations to come.  

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In accordance with By-Law 2020-17, members of the Public are to advise the Mayor or the Clerk of the use of devices for transcribing or recording the proceedings of open session by auditory or visual means prior to the meeting.

An individual must be granted permission by the Mayor and/or the Clerk of the Township of Cramahe to audio/visual record any meeting. As per The Township of Cramahe Records Retention By-law 2020-17, the Digital Privacy Act and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, individuals must swear that they will not attempt to alter the audio/video recordings of today's meeting. Subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Digital Privacy Act and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, the Mayor and/or the Clerk may at any time request a copy of the recording and individuals will be required to produce the recording within 5 business days.

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  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the agenda, as amended to include comments submitted from the pubic; and 

    THAT as per Procedural By-law 2021-91, as amended, section 4.0 SUSPENSION OF THE RULES, that under section 21.0 OPEN FORUM, the following sections will be suspended to allow the public to speak during Open Forum, Item No. 7 on the agenda;

    Sections - 21.2 Process, 21.5 Debate, 21.6 Registration of Hybrid meeting Only, 21.7 Opportunity to speak 21.9 Time Limit.; and 

    THAT the suspension of the rules allow for Open Forum to supersede Section 8., Council Motion of Support or Opposition.  

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Members can declare now or at any time during the meeting.

Amendment Form under the Aggregate Resources Act for a Site Plan Amendment to change the hours of operation for the existing gravel pit legally known as Part Lot 20, Concession 3, Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland and municipally addressed as 13945 Telephone 
Road (herein referred to as the ‘subject lands’).

Fidelity attended the Township of Cramahe September 24th, 2024, Council Meeting to provide notice to the Township of their intent to submit this ARA Site Plan amendment application.

Fidelity applied to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) under Section 13 of the Aggregate Resources Act to amend the Site Plan to change the hours of operation of the site. The site plan amendment application does not seek to permit an asphalt plant , which is already permitted on the current site plan. 

Notification & Consultation

As required by the Aggregate Resources Act, please find enclosed the completed “Amendment Form” which was submitted to MNR with this application. The application requires that The Corporation of the Township of Cramahe (Council) provide written comments on the site plan amendment application, pertaining to the extension of the hours of operation.  These comments must be submitted by February 21, 2025.

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All public comments will be added to the agenda as an addendum on February 13th, 2025.  

Please note that the Clerk does not take note at a meeting of Council, therefore the public will be required to submit all comments to the Clerk’s Department prior to 5:00pm February 11th, 2025. Written submissions can be sent electronically to, or can be dropped in the mail drop box at Town Hall at 1 Toronto Street, Colborne, ON or faxed to (905) 355-3430. Please ensure your name and address are included as required for the public record. Please note that any information provided within written submissions may be made available to the public for review prior to the meeting.

All formal submissions received as of the addendum deadline February 11, 2025.

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Council will discuss and respond to the request for comment to the submitted Notice for a Site Plan Amendment and the previous request for Township consent to extend hours of operation to permit occasional overnight operations.  

As required by the Aggregate Resources Act, a completed “Amendment Form” was submitted to MNR and written comments on the site plan amendment application must be submitted by February 21, 2025. Staff are looking for Council comments and/or motion of support or opposition to submit on their behalf.  

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council provide a motion pertaining to the request for comments on the extended hours of operation to permit overnight/24hour operations; and 

    THAT staff submit the resolution on behalf of Council to the corresponding MNRF authority before February 21, 2025.    

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve By-law 2025-16, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Corporation of the Township of Cramahe Special Council Meeting held on [date], be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed and entered into the By-law book.

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  • Be it resolved that Council adjourn the meeting at TIME.